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4 Mistakes That Can Cause Problems With A Personal Injury Lawsuit

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If you’re in the process of recovering from an injury caused by somebody else, you’ll be looking for ways to receive compensation to cover the damage. An injury lawsuit could be the best way to do it when you have extensive medical bills and lost wages that you need to get back. However, there are mistakes that can be made along the way that you’ll want to avoid. Mistake 1: Signing Agreements Before Consulting A Lawyer…

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As An Employer, How Can You Protect Yourself From Fraudulent Workers' Compensation Claims?

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Workers’ compensation is meant to compensate workers in case of work-related injury. Unfortunately, not all claims that are made are genuine. Such fraudulent claims can cost you as an employer, huge sums of money. How do you identify and protect your business from illegitimate claims? Conduct Background Checks on Employees Before you hire an employee, make sure you get adequate information on them. Such information will include their employment history, educational background, credit, driving, and compensation records.…

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Two Of The Worst Semi Truck Accidents And Why They Prove Your Need For A Lawyer

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Semi truck accidents are not just trucks that jackknife in the road, or skid and hit the cars ahead of them. No, no, no; semi trucks can get into some of the most unbelievable and horrific accidents possible. Then the drivers leave the victims or the victims’ families behind while the driver (in most cases) just walks away. If you were in an accident with a semi truck and survived, but you do not want to pursue a lawsuit, the following examples of some of the worst semi accidents may change your mind and prove to you why you need a semi-truck crash attorney.…

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Too Many Points On Your License, Too Little Time To Get Points Back: How This Works

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So, you have run into a once-in-a-lifetime situation; your license is about to get hit with another two or three points, and you are nearly at the max now. Your hearing for the latest traffic incident is only a month away. You can remedy this, in part, by yourself. You can also seek advice from traffic violation attorneys such as Wood & Rabil  LLP. Here is how this is going to all pan out.…

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Involved In A Car Accident With A Tourist? Here's What You Need To Know

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You are going about your daily business when BAM! A driver in another vehicle hits your vehicle, causes a lot of damage, and lands you with medical bills. In any case, this is not a welcome situation, as car accidents can cause a lot of strife. However, if you find out that the driver for the other vehicle was an out-of-towner, things can get pretty complicated, especially if they were visiting from another state or another country.…

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How to Handle Surgical Mistakes

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After undergoing a surgical procedure, you may have started to experience some strange, unusual symptoms that aren’t typically the type of side effects a person would experience after undergoing such a procedure. If you weren’t feeling well and were experiencing a lot of pain, you probably decided to go to the hospital for an examination to get to the bottom of the problem. During your stay in the hospital, you may have undergone a series of X-rays and scans to help the medical professionals get an idea of what was causing such pain when suddenly they noticed a medical instrument inside of your body that was left behind from your surgery.…

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Effect Of Motorbike Tires On Riding Stability

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One of the reasons motorbikes seems more dangerous and accident-prone than cars is their susceptibility to instability. The nature of a motorbike’s tires has a great effect on the bike’s stability. Here are some of the specific ways in which tires affect motorbike stability: The Width of the Tires The width of the tires affects the stability of the motorcycle, especially around corners, by determining the surface area of the tire (and hence the treads) that comes into direct contact with the road surface.…

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Why You Need An Attorney When You Are Injured From A Construction Site

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If you have just recently been hurt on a construction site, either as an employee or a pedestrian, you will want to make sure that you are taking the time to consider why hiring a construction injury attorney is in your best interest. After reviewing the following points, you should have no trouble figuring this out and then getting on the phone to schedule a time to meet with an attorney.…

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3 Main Stages Of Settling A Car Accident Case

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Trying to settle a major car accident case can be time-consuming, overwhelming, and confusing, especially if you have never been through anything like this before. If you are preparing to take action against the person responsible for the accident, here are three of the main stages you should know about that you will go through when settling your case. Hiring a Lawyer The first stage of a car accident case involves choosing a lawyer to represent you in the matter.…

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3 Mistakes To Avoid After A Car Accident

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Each time you drive your car, you risk getting in an accident. Car accidents occur every day in every city and town, and they can complicate life and leave you injured. If this ever happens to you, here are three mistakes you should avoid making after the car accident happens: Admitting You Caused It The first thing people often say to each other after an accident is “I’m so sorry.” While it might seem like the polite thing to do, these words automatically indicate you feel like you are at fault for the accident, and the worst thing you can do after an accident is to take responsibility for causing it.…

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