A lot of focus has been on distracted driving over the last few years. While the majority of this focus is on the motor vehicle operators who are engaged in other activities besides driving, this behavior also affects motorcycle drivers in more ones than one. When motorcyclists are distracted not only are they at a much higher risk of being involved in an accident, but their lives may literally be at stake.…
If a close family member has passed away as the result of the negligence of a third party, you may want to consider filing a wrongful death claim. Unlike criminal prosecution, a wrongful death claim is a civil lawsuit that allows family members to receive damages for the loss of a loved one. Unfortunately, winning a wrongful death claim is often difficult. Here are three factors involved in proving a wrongful death claim.…
Multi-million dollar lawsuits over auto accidents capture news headlines, sometimes giving the impression that car accident attorneys are becoming rich from personal injury claims. Most auto accident claims, however, don’t make lawyers rich. Unless you’ve suffered lifelong debilitating injuries, your car accident attorney won’t likely become a millionaire from your claim. Here’s a look at what they might make, based on average figures. (The exact amount they earn for handling your claim will vary.…
It’s a typical day – which means you’re busy taking the kids to school and running a million different errands. You’re getting through your day without incident when all of the sudden, you’re blindsided by a minor fender bender or other accident in the parking lot. If you’ve never been involved in a parking lot accident before, you might be confused about who is at fault, and what you need to do to ensure you’re protected.…
A majority of advances in automobile technology has led to increased safety and comfort for drivers. While these features are innovative and can change the way you drive, they may also inadvertently be a part of the cause for an accident. Whether there are technological glitches, manufacturing defects, or driver distractions, the following five car features could become a major part of your automobile case. When working with a personal injury attorney, it’s important to see if any of these factors will impact or help your case.…
If you work in Illinois, you’re likely financially protected from workplace injuries and illnesses through your employer’s workers compensation insurance policy. Workers comp can help cover a number of expenses you may incur as a result of a workplace injury and may even help protect your job if you work for an employer that is not obligated to hold your job during your medical leave.
However, the Illinois legislature is currently battling against some proposed reforms that could significantly change the way workers comp is structured, potentially affecting the amount of benefits you’ll be able to receive.…
Many people voluntarily participate in activities each and every day that may result in some form of injury. Some of these activities can be sports related activities such as ski diving, and others may be as simple as working out at their local gym. Many times, when an accident or injury occurs, the person involved will sue to be compensated for their medical expenses, lost wages, and other out of pocket expenses.…
Most people, when they consider the possibility of being in an auto accident, think that they’ll simply trade insurance information with the other parties and be done with the whole affair. What most people don’t realize is that auto accidents are one of the most common reasons that people end up in a civil suit. If you’re unprepared for this possibility, you could end up with a lot of financial and emotional issues that could have been avoided.…
Worker’s compensation benefits are designed to provide compensation for loss of work, medical bills, and even pain and suffering if you’re injured on the job. By accepting worker’s compensation benefits, you relinquish your rights to sue your employer for negligence. But the trade-off can be well worth it as long as you can prove your worker’s compensation case. Here’s how to create a portable office in your briefcase that you can take to meetings with your lawyer to help him or her win your case:…
According to the National Down Syndrome Society, there are 400,000 people in the United States living with the condition. In fact, Down Syndrome affects nearly one in every 700 babies, so millions over parents and carers now help affected children cope with the condition. Learn more about the effects that Down Syndrome can have on your child’s life, and find out why you may need to claim social security disability.…