As An Employer, How Can You Protect Yourself From Fraudulent Workers' Compensation Claims?
Workers' compensation is meant to compensate workers in case of work-related injury. Unfortunately, not all claims that are made are genuine.
Such fraudulent claims can cost you as an employer, huge sums of money. How do you identify and protect your business from illegitimate claims?
Conduct Background Checks on Employees
Before you hire an employee, make sure you get adequate information on them. Such information will include their employment history, educational background, credit, driving, and compensation records. Any person with dubious records such as multiple compensation claims should be a red flag.
Train Your Supervisors
Train your supervisors on how to handle injuries. They need to show concern during and after the injury. This will help the employee to feel valued and reduce chances of a lawsuit.
Educate Your Employees
Educate your employees on the role of workers' compensation claim. Make it clear that making fraudulent claims is a crime with serious consequences. Encourage them to report injuries immediately.
Investigate Claims
Conduct thorough investigations into all claims. Fraudulent claims come in different forms: Employees may exaggerate the extent of the injury; they may make claims on pre-existing injuries or injuries unrelated to work; they may also extend the recovery period when they are already healed.
Watch out for claims where there are no witnesses. Also, look out for medical records that don't seem to match the injury. In case of suspicion, involve your workers' compensation attorney.
Install Surveillance Cameras
You can have surveillance cameras installed in high-risk areas to witness and record any accidents.
Have a Back-to-Work Program
Put in place a program to get the employee back to work as soon as possible. Such a program would include follow-up to monitor recovery and assigning light duties to recovering employees.
Work with a Designated Doctor
Appoint a health provider to handle cases of workplace injuries. Work closely with them to detect suspicious cases. You'll need to provide them with information on the employee and their duties.
The health provider will then be able to inform you of any inconsistencies in the injuries, in relation to the employee's duties. They will also be able to monitor recovery and prescribe light duties.
Employees have the right to be compensated for work-related injuries. Employers also have the right to protect themselves against fraudulent claims.
You need to screen employees before hire and continue to educate them on workers' compensation. Investigate claims and report any suspicious cases. Finally, put in place a program to ensure the employee returns to work as soon as possible. For more information, contact your local workers' comp lawyer.